When I wanted to upgrade my Cassandra from 2.1.3 to 3.4 in Windows 7 64 bit, I have faced following error when starting cqlsh console.
This was happening even when I downgrade my cqlversion as follows.
This is due to protocol version (4) unsupported by cql.
Edit <cassandra_home>\bin\cqlsh.py to make following inclusions so that it accepts --protocolversion argument along with cqlsh command. It's advisable to take backup of cqlsh.py file before editing it.
I have given edited lines below. Add only the lines that are marked with + (plus sign). Other lines are given for reference of places to make change.
Once the changes are done, save it and restart Cassandra server. Now execute cqlsh with following command.
Still you may face any issue like following.
In such case, execute cqlsh command as follows and the issue would be resolved now.
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': ConnectionException(u'Did not get expected SupportedMessage response; instead, got: <ErrorMessage code=0000 [Server error] message="io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolException: Invalid or unsupported protocol version: 4">',)})
This was happening even when I downgrade my cqlversion as follows.
E:\apache-cassandra-3.4\bin>cqlsh --cqlversion=3.4.0
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': ConnectionException(u'Did not get expected SupportedMessage response; instead, got: <ErrorMessage code=0000 [Server error] message="io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: org.apache.cassandra.transport.ProtocolException: Invalid or unsupported protocol version: 4">',)})
E:\apache-cassandra-3.4\bin>python -V
Python 2.7.6
E:\apache-cassandra-3.4\bin>cqlsh --version
cqlsh 5.0.1
This is due to protocol version (4) unsupported by cql.
Edit <cassandra_home>\bin\cqlsh.py to make following inclusions so that it accepts --protocolversion argument along with cqlsh command. It's advisable to take backup of cqlsh.py file before editing it.
I have given edited lines below. Add only the lines that are marked with + (plus sign). Other lines are given for reference of places to make change.
parser.add_option('--cqlversion', default=DEFAULT_CQLVER,
help='Specify a particular CQL version (default: %default).'
' Examples: "3.0.3", "3.1.0"')
+ parser.add_option("--protocolversion", default=DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, help='Specify protocol version (default: %default).')
parser.add_option("-e", "--execute", help='Execute the statement and quit.')
port = int(port)
except ValueError:
parser.error('%r is not a valid port number.' % port)
+ if options.protocolversion:
+ try:
+ options.protocolversion = int(options.protocolversion)
+ except ValueError:
+ options.protocolversion=DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION
return options, hostname, port
+ protocol_version=options.protocolversion)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
sys.exit('Connection aborted.')
Once the changes are done, save it and restart Cassandra server. Now execute cqlsh with following command.
E:\apache-cassandra-3.4\bin>cqlsh --protocolversion=3
Still you may face any issue like following.
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': ProtocolError("cql_version '3.4.0' is not supported by remote (w/ native protocol). Support
ed versions: [u'3.2.0']",)})
In such case, execute cqlsh command as follows and the issue would be resolved now.
E:\apache-cassandra-3.4\bin>cqlsh --protocolversion=3 --cqlversion=3.2.0
Connected to Test Cluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.3 | CQL spec 3.2.0 | Native protocol v3]
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